Excellent work Nate! Peco and I are publishing a post this morning which references your second essay and the importance of integrating manual and mental labour. Thanks for exploring this wonderful (and hopeful) renaissance.

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You are so kind, Ruth. Thank you! It was a pleasure to research and write the trilogy. And thank you for including me in your and Peco's post. You continue to be an encouragement to me!

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This relationship between manual labor and the spiritual life has always been something I've longed to understand more, but since I haven't had a job quite like it since I was working summers at a park in college, I haven't had much chance to dive into it more. I'm currently a missionary with an apostolate that leads pilgrimages, and while we aren't craftsmen, we've often danced around the ideas you have here. Looking forward to reading the rest of this series and sharing it with the team

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Man, it's something I'm longing to understand more and I'm smack dab in that world lol I am absolutely mystified by this idea that what we are doing with our bodies in the world has something to do with divinity and that earth might be heavenly and that we mediate and sub-create that reality.

Thanks for reading along, Ryan, and may God bless your apostolate!

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