It seems sire that you may indeed be a poet, however you may not... well....

Interesting picture you've painted here. Thanks for sharing.

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Hold on, I may not what?! 😂

Thanks, Derek. I think we all wonder where a particular sin comes from sometimes and try to rid ourselves of it, but the icky feeling sticks to us and, upon inspection, we can see how it made its way into our soi-...er, soul.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023Liked by Nate Marshall

Indeed. One must guard his own heart with the armor of God. Sin is crouching at the door. Too often we're foolish enough to be willing to open that door.

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I love this! Really evocative, feels deeper than you might assume on a first read.

Nevermind that Nathaniel claims not to be a poet; this is some darned good poetry! ✨

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I feel like I understand now when people say they just channeled a poem. Inspiration struck and they were just there to relay what was spoken to them. That’s definitely how this felt (not to be dramatic lol).

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Not dramatic at all! Writing a poem feels like describing a vision so someone else can see it. No feeling quite like it! 🌿

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Nate Marshall

lot of serious layers there.


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This is fascinating and beautiful! Evokes the three-dimensional images of nature, even though they are but words on the screen. Well done, sir.

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Well thank you, Mayor! Appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.

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He’s a great amongst American poets. I’m not a poetry connoisseur by any means but he is well worth reading if you’re interested. I recommend “Birches” and “The Road Not Taken”.

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Lotta “Robert Frost” vibes for a non poet. Very cool!

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I’m not familiar with him, but I accept it as a compliment anyway! Thank you for reading, Daniel.

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That's slugs exactly!

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Everyone says they’re so slow, but you never see them get there!? How does that make sense?? They must actually be fast as heck.

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They can certainly move when they want to, I agree!

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